KittyBoo, Who Are You?

November 22, 2016


My name is KittyBoo and I'm a 24yo girl who was recently introduced to the fantastic world of Geekyness!
For almost my entire life I've been always oblivious of this world as I never showed interest in stuff like gaming, comics, technology or anime. All of that slipped past me as I carried on through all these years idled from what meant to be a geek and all the crazy feelings and fun one can get from it.

But everything changed when I found my one and only person who happens to be shoulder's deep into gaming and geek stuff. While he changed my life on the most worderful way, he also introduced me to this whole new world and it has been a wild ride ever since. Now I'm starting to understand geek jokes and laugh like crazy, experiencing many things that I didn't even know existed and that I enjoyed so much!

(And did I already mention there's tons of fluffy and kawaii (cute in japanese, it's a foreign adjective widely used in the anime world) stuff everywhere? :D)

So the reason why we decided to start this page is simply for me to state my discovery process in this new life, now that I moved in together with my person. This could be the title of a story because Boo Moves To Geekland pretends to explain exactly the adventures of Boo (myself) while moving to a new home which breathes geekyness from every corner (more on that later) ;)

I hope you enjoy following me through this journey. If you're a Geek yourself, you might laugh as one guy at Comic-con when I said Koopa and Yoshi were the same or because I have just discovered what "noob" and "kawaii" means; if you're a Geek wannabe, you might identify with me and maybe, learn things you didn't know; and even if you don't care about any of this, you would like to stay tuned because who knows? You may be just like me, who never thought would love this life so much.

To all of you, I send a warm hug and hope to see you around again many times.


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